Donors interested in honoring a loved one in perpetuity in the parish can choose from one of St. John’s many naming opportunities. Supporting the Arise and Build Capital Campaign is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to honor in health or in memory of a loved one. If you are interested in a naming option, please include a note with your pledge card or contact the church office and Father Stavros will get in touch with you. Keep checking back for more naming opportunities as they become available.
Ministry building — Committed
Walkway between the church and ministry building
(Name placed prominently on the walkway)
(Name placed prominently on the pavilion)
Small Hall in the ministry building
Prayer Garden — Committed
Office of Proistamenos
Church office — Committed
Choir room
Multi-purpose room #1
Multi-purpose room #2
Conference room — Committed
Ministry Building
2nd Priest Office
Ministry Coordinator Office
Ministry Building (1st Floor)
Middle school
6th grade
5th grade
4th grade
3rd grade — Committed
2nd grade
1st grade
Pre-K 4
Pre-K 3
Ministry Building (2nd Floor)
Bookstore — Committed
Nursery — Committed
Vestry addition
Sound studio
Toddler room
Miscellaneous Rooms