What is the goal of the Capital Campaign?
The goal of the Capital Campaign is to raise $7.8M.
What is the expected timeline for the project?
Work on Phase I (renovating the ministry building) will begin in summer of 2025. We will start construction on the church sanctuary in spring of 2026, with the goal of finishing in time for Holy Week of 2027. The renovation of the Kourmolis Center, and the rest of the grounds (pavilion, prayer garden, playground) will be done in summer and fall of 2027, to be completed by the end of 2027. For more details, visit our timeline page.
What will happen if we exceed our goal?
What a great thing that would be! Any proceeds above and beyond our goal will go to additonal improvement and ongoing maintenance.
What happens if I am unable to fulfil my pledge?
Simply send in a letter to the church explaining your situation.
What if I never make a pledge?
You are missing out on a unique opportunity to participate in a program that is truly once-in-a-lifetime. Any pledge amount is welcome.
Who will be asked to support the campaign?
Everyone in our parish will be asked to support the campaign. It’s not the amount that matters. We ask for a pledge of support from each member of our congregation. People who are outside of our congregation are also welcome to contribute.
Is my pledge over and above my stewardship pledge?
Yes, the campaign pledge is over and above your yearly stewardship giving. The daily operation of our parish is supported by stewardship and will continue throughout the building process. Because of this, we still rely on a robust stewardship presence.
What if we don’t meet our goal?
If we don’t meet our goal, we will continue working in faith to bring this vision to life.